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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Wellness, happiness, freedom, awareness & responsibility

"First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and then stop finding fault with the reflection." -- Nisargadatta

It is difficult to find someone who doesn't want to be happy and healthy in this world.
If everything we do lead us towards happiness then why most of the people are not happy and healthy?
Are we expecting someone else to make us happy and healthy?
If someone has the power to make us happy and healthy he could make us miserable and sick! That means that he would have control over us and we become slaves and say goodbye to our freedom.
Am I going to become happy if someone else makes me healthy and feel good without effort from my side? Where is my freedom then?
Is it possible to be happy on this Planet without being free?
Is it possible to be free without taking responsibility for my freedom?

Well, we live on a Planet where there is struggle between the Good and the Evil. I am not going into details about that. The important point here is that without the Evil the Planet would be paradise and there is little progress a soul can make in a paradise. We learn our life lessons and make personal & spiritual progress faster if there is struggle between Good and Evil.

Let's start with the question about our health and wellness.
How can I be healthy in a system that profits from people being sick and is sickness perpetuating instead health and wellness promoting? Sickcare instead of Healthcare.
The answer is simple and powerful - by expanding our freedom and becoming responsible for our own health and wellness. It starts with the decision to take that responsibility.
If you have taken the responsibility for your health and wellness then there is the obvious question: How do I start and what are the steps in the process? Yes, it is a process and the good news is that if you are reading this blog you have come to the right place!
That is the purpose of this blog: to support the people who have made the decision to take control of their health by providing guidance for mental detoxification, raising awareness, critical information and practical steps ensuring enjoyable, fast and rewarding results.
Only about 1.62% of the population make that decision and take action. Congratulations and well done!!!
Welcome to the Total Wellness Now blog and Enjoy!
Have the happiest day ever!

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