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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Do you want to be in heaven? And we're all saying, 'No thank you. Not just yet.' And so time is actually just this constant saying 'No' to God's invitation.

Waking Life 2001 Full Movie

"... So we're walking along, and Lady Gregory turns to me and says, "Let me explain to you the nature of the universe. Now Philip K. Dick is right about time, but he's wrong that it's 50 A.D. Actually, there's only one instant, and it's right now, and it's eternity. And it's an instant in which God is posing a question, and that question is basically, 'Do you want to, you know, be one with eternity? Do you want to be in heaven?' And we're all saying, 'No thank you. Not just yet.' And so time is actually just this constant saying 'No' to God's invitation. I mean that's what time is. I mean, and it's no more 50 A.D. than it's two thousand and one. And there's just this one instant, and that's what we're always in."
And then she tells me that actually this is the narrative of everyone's life. That, you know, behind the phenomenal difference, there is but one story, and that's the story of moving from the "no" to the "yes." All of life is like, "No thank you. No thank you. No thank you." then ultimately it's, "Yes, I give in. Yes, I accept. Yes, I embrace." I mean, that's the journey. I mean, everyone gets to the "yes" in the end, right? ..."

“When you move slower than the world, and breathe more deeply than the world, you awaken a consciousness beyond any world.”
~ Matt Kahn


Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Human Design or Maya Mechanics factor + the first 7 years of programming

The way the Universe creates the Human Being (or Rave) is best described in Human Design. There are 12 Profiles, four types (Manifestors, Projectors, Generators and Reflectors) and many internal authorities. We have unconscious (body) design and personality design and they both merge and form the Rave Human Design. Since birth we have our place in the society defined by our type. Each type has different strategy in life. Each person has different authority (Emotional, Sacral, Splenic and so on). Without knowing your Human Design strategy and authority the LOA works by default only for manifestors which are around 8% of the population. For the other 92% it works if they follow their strategy and authority. That is why Human Design reading is highly recommended! The Creator Goddess Maya has created such a huge and complex multi-layered web of dualities and illusions on top of the almost infinite types of human beings that it is impossible to conclude that if something works for one human being it will work for another.
On top of that "true" understanding of "reality" based on our mind, logic, senses, intuition is impossible. First we know from quantum physics that there is no matter. On top of that we are in fractal holographic universe where everything on the "material" plane is just a consequence and effect. All the causes are on the information and energy levels initiated by our thoughts and emotions. The frequency range of our senses is outside of the spectrum in which the Universe prepares and performs all the steps in order to fulfill our desires. When something start to manifest on the "material" plane 99% of the work has already been done on the upper levels. The path of trying to truly understand the "reality" by learning faces one huge obstacle: the "Illusion" is humongous and beyond comprehension of the limited human mind. The practical method of gaining that knowledge is the spiritual path, opening the third eye or Self-realization or God-realization.

The other limitation to fully live the life we desire is the programming or "zombification" we receive from our parents, grand-parents, siblings and everyone in our environment during the first 6 or 7 years of our lives. Some of the impact could be related to strong negative emotions blocked in our energy or etheric body.

These blocks stay with us for the entire life (unless we release or unblock them) and deplete our energy. The blocked emotion (etheric vortex) can also block the normal flow of energy and lead to energy deficit in the physical body which leads to diseases.
During that time our brain functions at delta and theta waves levels and records everything that happens as unquestionable reality on which we form our beliefs and concept of reality. For most of us it is the basis for our motivation, desires and goals in life.

Of course the strong negative emotions like becoming frightened, scared, illnesses, accidents, sudden negative news in our adult life also create emotional blocks that we carry with us trapped in our energy body. On top of that the daily stress if not processed and cleared is also trapped and depletes our energy.

The other important factor shaping the quality of our life is the programming or the zombiefication from the ruling forces or vested interests in this creation/matrix/reality expressed as mass media (TV, Internet, newspapers, radio), education system, science .... The sustaining of this extreme polarization of duality we have on our Planet requires distortion of knowledge, science and COR. The current state of extreme polarization would evaporate without total manipulation of consciousness on all levels starting from early childhood. The good news is that it is quite easy to perform mental detoxification and escape from this total manipulation by performing three easy steps - this is the purpose of this blog.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

The impact of our past lives, LOA, Karma and the Secret of the Secrets

Let's now focus on the first item in our mind detoxification list.

Our current life is impacted from our previous lives and it will impact our next life/lives.
Why? Because there is an universal law that rules over this creation/matrix/reality which is called by many names: Karma, Law Of Attraction (LOA), The Law of Conservation of Energy, The law of vibration and resonance and so on. It is the same universal law/mountain that is observed from different view points. Karma is from the eastern cultures point of view, LOA is in the western culture, vibration and resonance is in electronics or physics.

The basic overview of this law is this: we live in a attraction and frequency based creation/matrix. It means that the closer the frequencies of two vibrating energies/entities the higher the attraction force between them. When we tune a radio receiver to a certain radio station we actually set the resonance frequency of the receiving LC circuit in the receiver to match the frequency of the emitting transmitter. In the same way from the Karma point of view all of our desires are fulfilled. That is why the secret of the secrets of the secrets in this attraction based universe is to think only about what we really want! That will tune us to the vibrational essence of what we want and it will be attracted to us. The only problem we have is that our conditioned and hyper-active minds refuse to accept such a simple concept. This concept is the foundation of our mind detoxification process. It is really important to give this concept some undivided attention and integrate it in our way of life!!!

There is another key concept here that the preachers of LOA don't mention. Our desires might be fulfilled in the current or in some of our next lives/incarnations. In order to receive a desire we need to tune ourself to it's vibrational essence and this might not happen in the current life. On the other side if we manage to tune ourself to this vibrational essence we might receive a manifestations of desires from past lives waiting for the vibrational match to appear. That is an important concept to grasp and integrate into our COR. It will expand the sphere of our awareness by going beyond "the current life only" way of thinking.

The Saints tell us that from the Law of Karma point of view in a single life we might generate desires that can fill 10 new incarnations or more. Our desires are not erased when we leave the body. They remain active and are used to form our next incarnations. That is why it is important to understand what we really want in the long term and make sure it will make us happier even if we receive it in a future incarnation.
We don't carry with us our material possession from incarnation to incarnation. But we maintain our raised awareness in the next life! The personal and spiritual progress based on the lessons we learn, the experiences we have and the practices we do are all that matters - what we become is the only thing that matters! What we posses has limited impact in our current incarnation only.

Another important concept is that some of our beliefs, preferences, taste, objects we are attracted to like places, people, activities and so on come from past incarnations. There are several past live regression techniques practised currently by different experts.

The self-limiting beliefs coming from past incarnations are powerful factor that makes us and keeps us unhappy in this life. The average human being is unconscious around 98% of the time. During the unconscious state we act on auto-pilot based on our beliefs - and some of them are self-limiting. We act based on these beliefs and our actions create disharmony in our lives. That is why everyone wants to be happy but the majority of the people are truly not happy.
Becoming aware of our self-limiting beliefs is a very powerful mind detoxification and transformational technique that raises our powers. The negative emotion is just a feedback that there is a limiting belief in action here. The negative emotions are the stepping stone we can take advantage of to become aware and eliminate the toxicity of the self-limiting beliefs we carry with us! The good news is that we have the freedom to choose and change our beliefs!

Happiest Day Ever!

Mental Detoxification - the first step in the process to Total Wellness

"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality."
-- Michael Ellner

Our Concept Of "Reality" (COR) is vital to the quality of our life. As Albert Einstein says: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
"Who am I?" - this is the question of the questions and it's answer is part of our COR.
We are spiritual beings experiencing life in a human body. All the material objects are not primary - they are just consequences of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and desires. Matter as we see it is just energy vibrating at lower frequency only when there is conscious observer(s). The way we think, feel and act is shaped by our Concept Of Reality (COR).
The two key concepts here are that (first) the COR of every single human being is unique and (second) our CORs evolve during our life.
The process of mental detoxification is actually a process of fine tuning our COR.
There are multiple forces that shape our COR, our thoughts, feelings, desires, needs and actions in this life. Understanding all of them is crucial to our process of mental detoxification and raising our awareness. They are:

1. the effects of our experiences during our past lives;

2. our Human Design (which is fine-tuned to the lessons and experiences we have planned to take in this incarnation/life);

3. the programming we have received during the first seven years of our lives from our parents, relatives, teachers (when the brain functions on lower frequency waves as during deep hypnosis and records everything on 1 on 1 basis and it becomes part of us as programming or conditioning);

4. all events that had strong negative emotional impact on us in this life and have been trapped in our energy body;

5. the programming or the zombiefication from the ruling forces in this creation/matrix/reality expressed as mass media (TV, Internet, newspapers, radio ...);

6. the energetic/vibrational impact of the environment on us.

In the next posts we are going to cover each of the six aspects.

Have the happiest day ever!

Wellness, happiness, freedom, awareness & responsibility

"First realize that your world is only a reflection of yourself and then stop finding fault with the reflection." -- Nisargadatta

It is difficult to find someone who doesn't want to be happy and healthy in this world.
If everything we do lead us towards happiness then why most of the people are not happy and healthy?
Are we expecting someone else to make us happy and healthy?
If someone has the power to make us happy and healthy he could make us miserable and sick! That means that he would have control over us and we become slaves and say goodbye to our freedom.
Am I going to become happy if someone else makes me healthy and feel good without effort from my side? Where is my freedom then?
Is it possible to be happy on this Planet without being free?
Is it possible to be free without taking responsibility for my freedom?

Well, we live on a Planet where there is struggle between the Good and the Evil. I am not going into details about that. The important point here is that without the Evil the Planet would be paradise and there is little progress a soul can make in a paradise. We learn our life lessons and make personal & spiritual progress faster if there is struggle between Good and Evil.

Let's start with the question about our health and wellness.
How can I be healthy in a system that profits from people being sick and is sickness perpetuating instead health and wellness promoting? Sickcare instead of Healthcare.
The answer is simple and powerful - by expanding our freedom and becoming responsible for our own health and wellness. It starts with the decision to take that responsibility.
If you have taken the responsibility for your health and wellness then there is the obvious question: How do I start and what are the steps in the process? Yes, it is a process and the good news is that if you are reading this blog you have come to the right place!
That is the purpose of this blog: to support the people who have made the decision to take control of their health by providing guidance for mental detoxification, raising awareness, critical information and practical steps ensuring enjoyable, fast and rewarding results.
Only about 1.62% of the population make that decision and take action. Congratulations and well done!!!
Welcome to the Total Wellness Now blog and Enjoy!
Have the happiest day ever!